Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nightmare on Walmart St.

Tonight I had to pick up my prescriptions. Sounds simple right? Go to the pharmacy, pay your money, go home. Oooohhhh no. Not me. I save a buck by getting generic at Wal-Mart. Hey, $4 each for 4 heart meds that I take every day? Saves me $200 a month easy. Besides, I think I have a reasonably good sense of humor and a generous attitude towards the vagaries of the Great American Public. (Ooops, I almost said Great Unwashed Public.)

Toniiight... Toniiight, is not like other niiights! (West-side story, look it up on YouTube) 4 ft tall granny in her blue vest at the door. Check. Crowd at the Micky Dees. Check. Customer Unservice desk crowded with people trying to return used underwear. Check. So far so good.

Then in the main aisle it begins. Five across is a group easing their way along and blocking the whole MAIN drag of this warehouse sized building. Three kids with candy in hand waddle down the middle flanked by the parents one on each end. Each with a shopping cart. Three and one third eons later the group splits like the Blue Angels in flight. Five different directions simultaneously and I finally realized that they weren't a family. The resemblance was caused by the Wal-mart shopper 'look'.

Finally arriving at the 'farm'acy I get to watch the longest line I've ever seen check out with not just drugs but the rest of their shopping list. It's nearing closing for them so they are trying to complete the days work asap. Leaving one poor, pregnant, rookie to find and check out all the prescriptions for the people in line. This worked about as well as you might expect.

I idle away my evening watching the tide of humanity surge back and forth across the linoleum. All those Wal-Martian websites are hilarious until you are trapped in the middle of them. Lucky for me no 500 pound thong wearers showed up tonight. But it does leave me depressed over the general population of my home.
And I just realized that General Population is a term most often used by corrections officers. (If you were here you would have seen me disconnect for a minute to pursue that thought, ugh!)

After, finally, getting my drugs and getting out I was hungry. So I stopped at Cici's. I had already paid before I realized my mistake. You see Cici's is an All You Can Eat Pizza Buffet. IN THE WAL-MART PARKING LOT!!!!!

As you may have guessed I take the fact that I smiled and ate and read my book and made my way around the buffet without a major upset as further evidence of my overall good sense of humor, and general even handed noblesse oblige. (look it up)

That's it for now. I'm still getting back into blog mode.